• rockbase & rockbaseFlex Sold Out!
    Uniquely develepod for the rockbaseFlex

    Our griptonite hangboard

    is the perfect choice for every climber, no matter if beginner or professional! Specially designed by us for the smartrock door mounts, the griptonite offers a variety of different grip options, with compact dimensions, low weight and an attractive price! Particularly suitable for those who prefer the familiar climbing grip feeling for training.

  • Smartrock Rockbase Video
    Door mounting systems from smartrock

    Training for climbing at home and on the go.

    Do you feel trapped within your climbing performance and not really getting anywhere? By using a fingerboard you want to push your climbing skills to the next level, preferably at home or during lunch break? All you need is rockbaseFlex, our training system for doorframes.

    Watch the Video

  • Smartrock Betatest Video App
    smartrock training-app

    Test our smartrock beta

    As of now, our TrainingCenter app is ready for use. For more information, please visit App & Workouts. A first impression of the app and its functions can be found in this short video here. You are already the proud owner of our door brackets, then register yourself.

    Watch the Video

Icon anchor

Don’t screw it!

Rockbase is a groundbreaking door mounting system for fingerboards, slingtrainers and many more. No drilling, no hammering, no stress but simple and reliable mounted to your doorframe.
Icon suitcase

Train everywhere!

Whether you are moving houses, traveling for business or leisure, there are no more excuses to not start training anywhere. Made for trainingboards, grip holds, pinches and slopers. Possible attachment of a slingtrainer or rope pulley for release.

smartrock product line

Your perfect training enviroment at home or on the go

  • Details von 'Smartrock - Rockbase - Türhalterung' anzeigen.Smartrock

    Rockbase – Mount

  • Details von 'Smartrock - RockbaseFlex - Türhalterung' anzeigen.Smartrock

    RockbaseFlex – Mount

  • Details von 'Smartrock - Griptonite - Trainingsboard' anzeigen.Smartrock

    Griptonite – Trainingsboard

  • Details von 'Smartrock - Slingtrainer' anzeigen.Smartrock


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